Supporting Individuals, Families & Communities for 40+ Years Throughout California and the World
Our Services
Behavior Respite
Respite is designed to provide parents and other primary caregivers with temporary relief from the constant care required by a family member with special needs. We offer an enhanced level of service for individuals who have more challenging behaviors like:
Physical or verbal aggression
Property destruction
Supported Living Services (SLS)
We offer a broad range of services provided to adults with developmental disabilities who, through a comprehensive planning process, choose to live in homes they themselves own or lease in the community. Services are tailored to meet individual needs and are focused on enhancing each person’s valued social roles in their community, family, and/or social networks.
Adaptive Skills
Community Participation
Enhancement of valued social roles
Supported Employment Services
Employment and Community-Based Behavior Day Service for individuals with developmental disabilities. We believe that paid community employment is a viable option for all individuals, regardless of the severity of his/her disability or behavioral challenges.
Supported Employment
Community Inclusion
Multi-element Behavior Support–MEBS
Child & Adolescent Services (CAS)
We provide a continuum of support to assist children with developmental differences, including autism. CAS assists children through three different services designed to help children reach their full potential so they may take advantage of opportunities in the community. Services are provided in the home, community, school, and/or center-based environment.
Early intervention/infant development
Intensive ABA
School-based behavior support
Psychoeducational and behavior assessments
Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

Why Our Clients Choose Us
We are committed to transforming lives and empowering individuals of all ages.
Supporting Individuals, Families & Communities for 40+ Years
For nearly half a century, IABA’s programs and innovative approach have improved the lives of individuals with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. At IABA, we are dedicated to the advancement of positive practices in the field of challenging behavior. We sincerely hope that this site will assist you in your endeavor to learn about the non-aversive, person-centered services we offer to support children and adults diagnosed with Autism and other intellectual or developmental disabilities.
IABA Cofounders
Dr. Gary LaVigna & Dr. Thomas Willis
Both retired in 2022
Ihab & Vivian Shahawi
Current owners of IABA