Supported Employment Services
We offer employment and community-based behavior day service for individuals with developmental disabilities. We are dedicated to finding competitive work for a large group of individuals with the skills and abilities, who are willing and able to do work.
Supported Employment
Community Inclusion
Non-Aversive Behavior Intervention
Success in the Workplace
Building relationships with communities to provide creative individualized employment opportunities.
Supported Employment
We believe that paid community employment is a viable option for all individuals, regardless of the severity of his/her disability or behavioral challenges. Employment-Related Services Include:
Individualized job development and placement
Systematic job training
Job coaching support tailored to meet individual’s needs
Advocacy and support within the work environment
Reporting of work earnings to Social Security
Vocational assessments
Job searches, job preparation & development
Resume building
Interview skills and support
Support and assistance with accessing transportation to and from work
Community Inclusion
STEP presents a variety of opportunities for people to be involved in their communities through their choices. Some examples include:
Utilizing Public Transportation Safely
Volunteer Work Opportunities
Taking Community College Courses
Involvement in Recreational Opportunities
Sporting Events
Community Gardens
Learning Emergency & Safety Skills
“STEP has dramatically changed my life. I am pleased to be a part of the program”
Non-Aversive Behavior Intervention
STEP services are provided to individuals with a range of behavioral challenges typically associated with severe learning difficulties, intellectual disabilities, autism, severe emotional disabilities, and psychosis. Examples include:
Teaching new skills through prompts, assistance, or positive reinforcement, with an emphasis on errorless learning
Teaching appropriate replacement behaviors and skills
A multi-element approach to address the needs of the whole person
Strict adherence to positive intervention strategies only; punishment or other aversive strategies are not utilized
Success in the Workplace
We give people with disabilities an opportunity to:
Become self-reliant and productive members of society.
Gain dignity of maintaining a paid job.
Work and interact with non-disabled persons.
Contribute to the economy of their community
Opportunity to be fully included in community and work environments